Matt Cameron

Web EngineerDesignerSurfer

My name is Matt

I enjoy simplicity, JavaScript, and sushi.

NYC, United States

Wheaton College

JS, React, C#, Angular, CSS

English y un poco Espanol.

I'm a builder at heart. Growing up it was legos, but through my years in college I learned that code was a more enjoyable way to build things; it was scalable and the community was awesome. With code and web development, I could all of a sudden build out global apps using my hands and an internet connection.

Currently a consultant based out of NYC, I enjoy tackling business problems with code. I'm a full stack developer and my current obsession is JavaScript along with React, Redux, and Angular. When not coding I enjoy surfing 4 footers on the suprisingly steady surf of the Northeast U.S. I also manage the SunOfNYC twitter account, which posts a daily status update on how much sunlight we have in New York.

Some of the tech I like:
